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SEO: The Rules Have Changed, Now What?

Lately, the buzz is about how Google changed it's search algorithm (again), driving many of our clients to ask what they should do now about their SEO efforts.  Here is what we've learned from the TOP SEO EXPERTS...

While there are basics that must be done for SEO, more than ever before it is important to do what makes sense to your target consumer/client/prospect.  As we've always recommended at Marketing Management Solutions - think about what your potential clients are trying to achieve or solve.  Put together an overall marketing plan that addresses their questions and utilize the marketing methods where they are expecting to find the answers.  Implement this plan both on-line and off-line through content and other marketing.  This is what Wil Reynolds, the founder of SEER Interactive calls "Real Company SH*T".  Here is how it works:

1.  Decode your target - what is your potential customer thinking, asking and looking for?
2.  Unearth the platform - where is your customer searching and looking for advice?
3.  Implement a solid marketing plan - include the answers to the questions in the right platforms?
4.  Connect and link everything back to your website

Simply put, do what companies do naturally.  Don't overcomplicate and worry about adding in tricks to drive people to your website, be real.

Here are Marketing Management Solutions, the best person to answer your SEO question is John.  You can reach John on his cell at 215-431-3704, or contact us through our website to schedule an appointment.